First attempt was unsuccessful. The second attempt, you saw progress but still missed the mark. Your third crack at it, made you question if you were heading in the right direction. You muster just enough energy to try a couple more times. But after several unsuccessful attempts, the enthusiasm you once possessed to pursue your dream has faded and been replaced with doubt and fear that is convincing you to throw in the towel.

You're not alone. Many have or are currently experiencing this sequence of events in this journey we call life!

Contrary to belief, STRUGGLE PRECEDES SUCCESS. With the bulk of thoughts today controlled by the content we consume online, we often overlook the setbacks that preceded many of the success stories we admire. When we compare or measure our progress to others, we do ourselves a disservice. By all means, be aware of the happenings going on around you. But please don’t let the current position of others define, influence or distract you from becoming the best version of yourself.


Regardless of what you see or hear, understand what it means to be you. Within each of us, is a unique set of talents and passions that will spur our purpose in life. Don't allow your current struggle to become your identity or deprive you of fulfilling your mission. Use the frustration, rejection, and negativity during this period to explore an innovative approach to what you're trying to accomplish. You will be surprised by your creativity during this portion of your pursuits.

Take a moment to reflect on your current state. Honestly, ask yourself the following:

    •    What is my talent? What skills do I possess?

    •    How do I envision success? (Not how society labels success but what do I believe success to be)

    •    In pursuit of fulfilling my purpose, what have the periods of struggle revealed to me?

    •    What areas of my life do I need to improve in, to fulfill my purpose?

Remain encouraged. For the struggles you endure, will produce a future success that you can sustain because it is rooted in purpose and not selfish motives!